Customizable School Assemblies That Inspire A Better Tomorrow

In the next 24 hours…

- 1,439 teens will attempt suicide

- 2.795 teenage girls will become pregnant

- 15,006 teens will use drugs for the first time

- 3,506 teens will run away


We Believe Your Students Can Make A Difference


The challenges students face are always evolving. Keeping up with cultural changes and consistently reinventing your school programs is difficult, but that’s exactly what we have been doing for more than a decade.


That’s a lot of assemblies, but helping students discover the power of choices never gets old. With each assembly individually customized, we are always learning and discovering new ways to help students make better choices.

664,000+ STUDENTS

Across America, millions of students face tough choices every day. 664,000 is just the beginning. We are building a movement of students ready to make better choices, live better lives, and discover a better tomorrow.


You Build An Assembly Experience For Your Students

No one knows your students like you do. We customize each program to fit your culture for maximum effectiveness.

You can choose any of the following topics.


Watch Our Video & See What Other Educators Think

Want to see what a sample segment of a Seven Project looks like? Watch this!